Client Stories
Lizzy Walters
Primary Goal: To tone, turn fat into lean muscle. With a prediabetic diagnosis, Lizzy had an aggressive goal to drop 60 pounds in six months to regain a sustainable healthy weight. In doing so she will gain more energy, and thus ability to create a health weight and exercise lifestyle. Lizzy’s commitment to her goals is an 8 out of 10 priority. She’s ready to begin the work!
Prior experience: Lizzy came to Boost 180 to change the plateau from prior exercise regiments where she had been gaining weight rather than losing it. She also needed a flexible personal trainer to meet her work schedule instead of trying to make to a gym class.
Boost 180 Plan: Train 2x a week with trainer one on one; plus a weekly check in from trainer to follow up on progress. Build a nutrition plan to aid in weight loss goals.
To Date: Exercising 5x week individually with progress plan in place. Weekly checking no longer required. Lizzy met an healthy attainable weight loss of 10 pounds within three months! She’s doing great on her own.
Primary Goal: Started with learning how to run. Once she got a handle on it, she was able focus on strength training. She just wants to establish good exercise habits as she gets older. Smart move since she is in her late 20’s. It’s not something she wants to start late in life. Eventually, she wants to have children, and knows that staying in shape will enable her to bounce back after her pregnancy as well as be a good role model for her kids to follow.
Hunter Smith and Jill Corbin
Primary Goal: Both have been clients of mine for over two years and run several marathons. For this one in particular, both, as well as myself, wanted it to PR as well as feel stronger than the others physically and mentally. We met frequently to build upper and lower body strength, stamina and change mindset through positive thinking every time we trained.
Boost 180 Plan: Focus on running 4 days a week, one cross-training day, and incorporating strength training twice a week.
To Date: Both have run over 25 races including 3 full marathons within a three year period and had success at the Chicago Marathon. Jill is running it again next year with the same intent - PR. Hunter will resume his training in the spring with hopes of running the New York Marathon again.
Matt and Gordon
Primary Goal: Both Matt and Gordon are middle-aged men trying to stay in shape as they get older. They both have been training with me for over a year.
Outcome: Gordon has lost 50 pounds and is able to workout on his own. Matt is in his 60’s and can out perform the majority of my clients. He’s been with me for years, and his efforts have definitely paid off.
Primary Goal: Zach wasn’t exercising at all and he knew it was effecting his moods, performance at work, energy level, relationships with employees and others and overall mindset. I was to come once a week to his office gym and he would repeat the exercises on another day. He wanted to trim his waist-line by 10 pounds and build lean muscle in 6 months as well as add another day of strength training.
Boost 180 Plan: Focus on building muscle, stamina, strength and resistance training by using bands, free weights, the machines and HITT approach to build stamina. He would repeat the workout another day during the week in addition to walking during lunch hour. Twice a week, incorporate cardio such as running/elliptical either the same day of our training or another day. Start with 2 days a week and build up to four days in 6 months.
To Date: Zach works out on a regular basis four times a week. He’s lost his weight, has bulked up and loves the way he feels and looks.
Primary Goal: Annette took a year off from exercising and has had a hard time getting back into a regular routine. She needs a coach to motivate her to exercise again and hold her accountable. In addition, she’s hoping that exercising again will help her build confidence, sleep better and increase her energy level and overcome her depression. Constant pain in shoulder and back, so goal is to seek medical attention to help with it, so exercise is more pleasant and can perform more effectively at work.
Boost 180 Plan: HITT approach to build stamina when I visit as well as share several plans that she can do on her own on another day. Cut back on work to catch up on sleep and take the extra time to write an action plan to use on a weekly basis with my support.
To Date: Seeing a physical therapist for both back, shoulder and now feet. She was completely out of alignment. The pain has subsided. Now she’s exercising consistently 3-4 times a week, feeling confident in her appearance; the depression has subsided and is taking time for herself to ski and meet with friends
Primary Goal: Tone, More fit, consistent with exercise, and start a nutrition plan to lose 10-15 pounds; cycle and begin running on own several times a week; strengthen quads and glutes to strengthen knees due to former injury.
Boost 180 Plan: Meet twice a week to do intense training. Work on form using barbell, dumbbells and machines; strength/resistance training using band and body weight.
To Date: Lost 10 pounds and will be starting a cleansing plan and no carbs starting in Feb to lose another 10 pounds. Consistently exercising 3-4 times a week which includes two days with me, biking twice a week, running on treadmill once a week and hiking once-twice a week.
Primary Goal: Never exercised before, and she wants to learn how to, so she can do it at least twice a week on her own.
Boost 180 Plan: Meet once a week at the Central Park Rec Center and run through standard exercises that can be done anywhere and anytime. Work on form using barbell, dumbbells and machines; strength/resistance training using band and body weight.
To Date: Started new job and moved, so only thing she’s able to do is get out and walk several days a week. Does her best to do body weight exercises until she joins a gym. Getting in shape is a priority, and once things settle down, she will take action with meeting her goals.
Primary Goal: Build Strength
Boost 180 Plan: Provided exercises to do on own twice a week
To Date: Incorporated the exercises into the current workout regiment making it more diverse and guaranteeing that every muscle group.
Primary Goal: Shave her 5K time down under 20 minutes
Boost 180 Plan: Meet once a week at the park or track and do interval training-speed work or hill repeats and explosive drills to build stamina, endurance, power, strength, and improve lung capacity. We’ve incorporated progression runs to go a bit faster at each 1/2 mile.
To Date: Changed cadence which has helped with pace and endurance. She’s able to hold pace for a longer period of time then progress during long run. Working now on mindset. She needs to believe she is capable of doing it.
Primary Goal: Change form and plan in order to run more efficiently and stronger for upcoming marathon.
Boost 180 Plan: Meet once a week to practice form and build a training plan that includes strength, interval-speed work and hill drills to do on own. He also needed to learn how to progress during his long runs by having negative splits rather than get slower the further he ran.
To Date: Changed cadence which has helped with pace and endurance. He completed his marathon without getting injured because of the changes made during the course of his training.
Primary Goal: Shave 20 pounds and exercise regularly
Boost 180 Plan: Establish good exercise habits with an eating plan to become more healthier and drop the extra pounds
To Date: Started on Weight Watchers to help track her eating; walked everyday; met with trainer once a week to run her through the machines and use of free weights in order to train on own 3x per week. Did lose the desired weight, feels better about herself and stronger.
Primary Goal: Stop exercising for 10 years and now wants to do so due to lack of mobility, stability, flexibility and range of motion. Impacting overall wellness. Wants to move without being in pain especially shoulders and knees
Boost 180 Plan: Meet twice a week with emphasis on improved balance and coordination. Safe strength exercises to strengthen shoulders that will also help with posture.
To Date: Still struggles with balance but shoulder strength is back. Can do up to 50 squats, which has eased knee pain. More flexible due to stretching on a regular basis. Increased mobility demonstrated by rotational movements of all extremities.
Primary Goal: Run a 5K without experiencing pain in foot
Boost 180 Plan: New shoes and change form
To Date: Able to run four miles without stopping. Completed the 5K part of the Colfax Marathon Relay under 29 minutes
Client Stories
Primary Goal: To tone, turn fat into lean muscle. With taking care of her husband who has dementia, Jean was unable to take care of herself until she joined the gym. Seeing me train someone, she decided to invest in a trainer. I was fortunate to work with her. Her goal was to drop 60 pounds in six months to regain a sustainable healthy weight. It was really challenging for her to stay on track because of her home situation. With COVID, though, it motivated her to make some changes. Fortunately, I kept my business going, and she has been so dedicated to her training. She has added biking to training, taking long walks, and to the gym once it opened regularly 2x a week. During the summer, she went swimming as much as possible. By her doing all these things, she’s gained more energy, and has been able to create a healthier weight and exercise lifestyle.
Boost 180 Plan: Train 1-2x a week with trainer one on one; plus a weekly check in from trainer to follow up on progress. Build a nutrition plan to aid in weight loss goals.
To date: Exercising 5x week individually with progress plan in place. Weekly checking no longer required. Jean has lost 10 pounds because of changes to diet. She’s doing great on her own.
Cydney who is seen twice a week with her daughter and sister periodically joining in
Primary Goal: to get mobility in shoulders, increase flexibility and move better
Outcome: With regular attendance, Cyndey has complete range of motion in all planes for her shoulders. She’s able to do lateral and frontal raises, shoulder presses, medial deltoid flys, standing/ plank rows and planks..and much more. Her stamina still isn’t where she wants it to be, but she is so pleased with her progress that she is inviting more and more people to join her because she wants to see the same results for them. Her daughter was home for the summer from college, and loved the modifications with the intensity built into the sessions. She also gained some running tips for when she gets back to school. It’s something to do on her own. Her sister really has issues with her knees, but with some changes to form, the pain has subsided.
Jon P
Primary Goal: Jon has been training for six months now, and had a goal of losing 25 pounds, get stronger and improve his performance on the soccer field.
Outcome: Jon lost his weight, gained muscle mass, increased his speed on the soccer field, and is able to play for a longer period of time due to improvements in his stamina.
Primary Goal: She started off with getting tips on how to run without knee pain. That led to training 2x a week to build strength and endurance. Running and biking was something she decided to do on her own. Although she has a full gym at her home, she also needed someone to hold her accountable, and that required her to come to me. COVID was challenging for all parents of young ones who also were working from home. Training outside of the house was her escape.
Plan: 2x a week. On her own: cardio 2-3 times a week and yoga once a week.
Hunter Smith
Primary Goal: He’s back!!!!
After taking time off from running, he is focusing on strength and conditioning to get stronger when he gets back on his feet. His dedication to making changes has put him in the right frame of mind, which will make all the difference in the world when he gets back to running.
Plan: 2x week strength training; walking to running starting with 2 miles…..
Primary Goal: Brand new to working out. Goal is to bounce back to her old self after having a baby.
Plan: Move at least 3 times a week outside of training and come to workout with me 2x week. Needs inspiration, so mom and aunt join her.
After working with her for a few months now, her progress is off the charts. For someone who has never worked out, she is always up for the challenge and gives all she gots with each exercise. She’s truly and inspiration.
Primary Goal: Strength training and injury prevention. Learn more dynamic and static stretching for running.
Boost 180 Plan: Focus on building muscle, stamina, strength and resistance training by using bands, free weights, and HITT approach to build stamina. She would do some of the exercises 2-3 days later.
She signed up for the Colorado Series which consists of three 1/2 marathons and wants to run stronger, faster and have a quick recovery for the last two. She had issues with her hips for the first race. With the strength training, she PR’d and no hip issues. Much had to do with the deep stretching we did after our workouts. One tough young lady!!
Dana D.
Primary Goal: Dana took a time off from exercising and has had a hard time getting back into a regular routine. She needs a coach to motivate her to exercise again and hold her accountable.
Boost 180 Plan: HITT approach to build stamina, increase muscle strength, trim the waist line (although, I think she looks great), wear the bathing suit she wore in her 20’s, and use as a stress release.
She’s been hiking in Crested Butte and walking regularly with friends. The big accomplishment has been quitting smoking. That really had a strong-hold on her, but once she started with an action plan to get her life back in order, things fell into place.
Sue C, Ellie and Tori
Primary Goal: Tone and get fit for Ellie’s wedding. Start a nutrition plan to lose 10-15 pounds by the end of the summer
Boost 180 Plan: Meet twice a week to do intense training. Work on form using barbell, dumbbells and machines; strength/resistance training using band and body weight.
Started a cleansing plan with no carbs and did lose weight. Consistently exercising 3-4 times a week.
Sam B
Primary Goal: Stay in shape during her 4th pregnancy
Boost 180 Plan: Meet once a week incorporating standard squats, lunges, push/pull weighted exercises, standard balance and stability type of stances. No jumps or core work. Can do Push-ups on knees or leaning up against a wall.
Started back to work and has been able to balance working out with that and raising the three other kids. Getting in shape is a priority, and once things settle down, she will get back to working out 3-4 times a week which will include running.
Primary Goal: Stay strong to bounce back from 2nd pregnancy
Boost 180 Plan: Visit once a week to get a break from baby #1.
Incorporated various exercises for her to do on her own. In addition, encouraged her to join a rec center with a pool and walk regularly.
Primary Goal: Shave time for running event of the pentathlon under 14 minutes to make the Olympic team
Boost 180 Plan: Meet once a week at the park or track and do interval training-speed work or hill repeats and explosive drills to build stamina, endurance, power, strength, and improve lung capacity.
Changed cadence which has helped with pace and endurance. She’s able to hold pace for a longer period of time then progress during long run. Working now on mindset. She needs to believe she is capable of doing it. Also, she had to run further faster and incorporated a long run of 6-9 miles into her schedule.
Due to COVID, the Olympics were postponed preventing her from making the team. Focus now is on college.
Anne S
Primary Goal: Never exercised a day in her life and wants to learn how.
Boost 180 Plan: Meet twice a week to learn exercises she can do on her own. Start out very slow using basic equipment like the Swiss ball, weighted ball, bands, and body weight exercises.
Definitely go stronger over time. Gained more energy. Able to walk up and down her drive way and hills in the neighborhood without getting out of breath. Can get on the floor and get up without holding onto anything.
Primary Goal: First run a 5K under 35 minutes then run a 10K within an hour
Boost 180 Plan: Run with me once a week and twice on her own
Run for two years with me and did four 5K-10K series in Littleton. Was able to reach both her goals. Did struggle with getting back in the groove after she finished the series, but I did see her at several races on her own, and it was awesome seeing her still running!
My Ragnar Team
Primary Goal: Train together to prepare for a 24 hour running event from San Francisco to Napa
Boost 180 Plan: Met weekly to train at the park. Taught small group speed and strength classes to the Denverites at City Park.
Our team came in 4th for the all women’s teams. Training paid off.
Primary Goal: Get under 23 minutes for a 5K to get into the Marines Special Pilot Program
Boost 180 Plan: Long run incorporated into training in addition to meeting twice a week for speed work. Adjustments made to form to run more efficiently.
Did eventually make it into the program after three tries. Took so much training and determination to not give up especially when she suffered from shin splints.